The Top 17 Policies Every Beginner Blogger Needs to Know About (How to Blog Legally)

WhatsApp Image 2022 05 19 at 1.35.18 PM
Written by Monther

Last Updated: Feb. 11 , 2023

The Top 17 Policies Every Beginner Blogger Needs to Know About (How to Blog Legally)

Don’t let the legal part of your business get in the way of starting and growing your blog. Here are three guidelines that most lawyer thinks everyone should have to blog. And how to put them in place with minimal difficulty. There’s a lot to learn about the legal implications when you start blogging. Are blogs legal? How can I protect the information on my website? The list goes on and on. It doesn’t help that blogging rules and laws can be confusing and intimidating. If you’re starting with blogging. You don’t need to have a thorough knowledge of blogging laws and copyrights.

We’ve put together a detailed legal guide for bloggers to get started. we’ll cover the legal guidelines you need before you publish your blog and how to create them. Despite our best efforts, we are not attorneys. The purpose of this blog is to inform and educate. Not to create an attorney-client relationship. If you suffer losses as a result of using this material, we are not liable or accountable.

Note :- If you would to learn how to start a blog click here. 

To get your blog’s legal ducks in a row. I’m outlining 20 simple actions you may complete on your own without consulting a lawyer:-

  1. Pick a catchy blog name and confirm that it is available.
  2.  Make use of the appropriate legal online declarations, disclaimers, and documentation.
  3. Establish strong contracts with sponsors, partners, freelancers, and suppliers.
  4.  Use copyrights to protect the content of your site.
  5.  Respect other people’s images, recordings, and sounds.
  6.  Avoid Using Images with Copyrights7. Respect others’ trademarks.
  7.  Respect others’ trademarks.
  8.  Adhere to privacy and data laws by having legal policies on your website.
  9.  Produce Your Unique Content
  10.  Adhere to privacy and data laws by having legal policies on your website.
  11. Include your address in promotional emails.
  12. Disclosing Affiliate Relationships.
  13. Inform the IRS of all blog income.
  14. Get a business license.
  15. Create an accessible website.
  16. Always use contracts and avoid operating unauthorized lotteries.
  17. Avoid operating illicit lotteries.

1. Pick a catchy blog name and confirm that it is available.

Give your blog the greatest legal basis possible right from the start. By choosing a name that does not infringe on anybody else’s rights and that you will be able to defend as it grows.

 First, choose a catchy name. Avoid using descriptive names. (that describes what your blog is about). These kinds of names are not protected by trademark law in the United States. So if someone replicates the name, you cannot sue them. Make certain that the name is unique. Once you’ve decided on a terrific blog name, you must ensure that it. Or there isn’t another comparable company using a similar name. I do three types of searches for my clients:

  •  A Google search for the same and comparable names
  • A search of the state’s company register database

A search of the US Patent and Trademark TESS database: 

To catch all comparable names. Try variants and misspellings of the name, as well as searching with the primary word or two. As a result, you should look for more than exact matches. When searching for trademarks. Trademark law prohibits businesses from using similar names. Checking for the availability of a domain name or URL is insufficient. It is easy to overlook a company that works offline or uses the name in its business or product but not as its URL.

Disclaimer : Consult a lawyer about registering your brand as a federal U.S. trademark. As soon as you have established its value and would be heartbroken if piracy occurred. Working with a lawyer to complete The registration process is beneficial. Because it is both complex and expensive.

2. Make use of the appropriate legal online declarations, disclaimers, and documentation.

If you collect any personal information. (Even if it’s an email address when someone joins up for your newsletter or opts in). By law, your blog must contain a privacy statement. This tells visitors what you’ll do with their data. When they provide it to you and how you will track them as they navigate to other websites? The footer of the website should provide a link to the privacy statement. (ConvertKit has a good one).
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Also, requires you to add a disclaimer if you write about free items or services. When you’re paid to write about them (sponsored articles). Or if you’re an affiliate earning a percentage of sales.
This disclosure can be as simple as a remark at the top or bottom of the post. But it MUST be on the post itself rather than on a separate page. This is a “sponsored post,” or something like that. The firm that sponsored it paid me in cash, a gift, or anything else of value to write it. In any case, I only promote things or services that would be beneficial to my readers.

3. Establish strong contracts with sponsors, partners, freelancers, and suppliers.

You must put your agreement in writing. Whenever you trade something (services, blog entries, your time) for money. You may write your contracts when you’re starting out or for little sums. Make sure to include:

  1.  A detailed list of the items or services that each party will offer.
  2. Total and itemized cost with payment dates.
  3.  Refund policy (even if you don’t provide refunds, mention so!).
  4. How any party can stop the relationship if things aren’t going well.
  5. Who owns the copyrights or trademarks in everything developed (for example, can a sponsor use images you take of your kids wearing their brand’s items in an advertisement for the brand, or do you retain those rights?).

 As your blog expands and you work with larger companies. Or partnerships, or if you receive a high-dollar contract that you don’t understand. It’s a good idea to consult with a lawyer to ensure you understand what you’re committing to. To create your unique contracts that match how you conduct business.

4. Use copyrights to protect the content of your site.

You immediately own the copyright to everything you produce in the United States. Including writing, images, graphics, music, and movies. (as long as you’re not an employee generating it for someone else). Once they are “fixed,” meaning they leave your brain and end up on paper or in a computer, copyright law protects them.
Though you are not obligated to include a copyright notice on your blog. |It is a good idea to inform readers that you are asserting your rights and will take legal action if necessary. Insignia, year of manufacture or published The owner. (your name or the name of your business). Likewise, if you don’t want anyone to steal your work. Put “All rights reserved” or “no reproduction without permission”. The notice should include all this information.
You are not required to register your work with the US Copyright Office. But there are two compelling reasons why you should. To begin, if you intend to prosecute someone who duplicates your content. It is necessary to register the content. If you do have to sue a copycat, you may collect larger damages. (Or threaten to sue, which is usually what happens). If you registered the work before or within three months of the infringement, you might get up to $160,000 per piece. You may only be able to get a few thousand dollars, which is less than it would cost to start a case. If you don’t register until more than three months after the infringement happens. (Bear in mind that you may not learn about it until much later).
A little tip: blogs classified to be “unpublished” works. If you register any new entries on your site every three months, you get the best security for your material. The paperwork is pretty simple to complete on your own, but a lawyer can assist you in doing so.
Online registration is quick, affordable, and available at HTTPS://

5. Respect other people's images, recordings, and sounds.

If you did not take a photograph, video, piece of music, or piece of text that you wish to publish in your blog. Or social media you must get permission to use it. Do you need an image? Avoid Google image searches and instead visit a respectable stock photography website such as Getty Images, Shutter Stock, Creative Market, Death to Stock Photo, or Unsplash (the last two are free!). As a result, you may see their photographs on a variety of different blogs). Or, check Flickr for royalty-free, creative commons license photographs . (this means the photographer is fine for you to use them without cost. But requires attribution and, in some cases, a link). Image search on (Be careful to click on “Any License” and filter your search to “commercial use permitted,”. Or “commercial use & modifications” allowed if you want to be able to change. Or U.S. Government works, which are not copyright protected).
Keep a note of where you obtained the photographs you use on your blog in your files. It might be a snapshot of the URL and date. Images make their way to places where they should not be available for use. If you can verify where you found a photo. You can sometimes resolve a copyright problem afterward. You may have heard of “fair use” which is a very restricted exemption to copyright. But this is a murky legal area. Unless you’re critiquing or commenting on another work (such as a book review or parody). Or your usage is “transformative” (for example, utilizing a photo as part of a fine art sculpture. Rather than using a photo to illustrate your blog post). It’s generally not fair use.
If you wish to depend on fair use to use someone else’s work, you should speak with a lawyer to assist you to analyze it.
Do you believe something is in the public domain and free to use? You can’t be sure a work is in the public domain until you undertake some investigation to check it. (Handy public domain reference).

Note :

The consequences of exploiting another person’s content without permission might be severe. If your blog post contains five images that you do not have the right to publish. You could be sued for up to $150,000 for one piece and up to $750,000 for the entire case. If you violate copyright, you risk having your blog deleted. You don’t want to get a stop. An and-desist letter threatening you with a lawsuit or shutting down your site. Because you utilized photographs from a Google image search. Requesting permission sounds intimidating. But it can be as easy as sending someone an email or a private message on social media. To say hello to express your admiration for their work, and to inquire about using it on your site. Contacting someone to ask for permission to share their content is a great way. To start a connection and expand your audience. The individual you ask could feel honored and share your blog article. The worst that may happen is that they say no, in which case you find another solution, which is not a huge problem.

6. Avoid Using Images with Copyrights.

Did you know that unless the owner specifies “public domain”? Or “Creative Commons,” every image on the web is copyrighter? It’s true! If you use a picture without permission, the owner might sue you for thousands of dollars. It doesn’t matter…
  • Had no idea the photo was copyrighter.
  • Provide credit by linking to the owner’s website.
  • Follow a DMCA takedown notice.
  • Don’t make any money from your blog.
  • Have a disclaimer on your website.
If you have copyrighted photographs on your site, you’re stressing out right now. Take a deep breath. It’s all right. Only, make sure you delete them all—not from your blog posts. But also from your media library (if you’re using WordPress). As long as the images are in your database, you are responsible. You might think, “Where can I get legal photographs to use on my blog?” and “Will this cost money?” There are several wonderful websites. That offers hundreds of free, high-quality public domain images that you may use on your blog. Unsplash and Pexels are two of my favorite sites. See the entire list of my favorite stock picture sources, both free and paid.

Additionally, Flickr has images that are licensed under the Creative Commons license. Images protected under a Creative Commons license may use. But credit is necessary. Follow recommended credit requirements, and always verify the photo’s permission before using it.
Song lyrics, videos. (Except for embedded YouTube videos), and other forms of written material. Blog entries and online publications are also covered by copyright laws. If in doubt, link to it rather than republish it on your blog.

7. Respect others' trademarks.

I had no idea how easy it is to infringe on someone else’s trademark. Until I was getting ready to establish my internet marketing company. I had intended to title it in the beginning well. Nothing popped out when I searched Google for websites with comparable names. I even looked through the USPTO’s trademark database. I believed it was acceptable. |Because I couldn’t locate any trademarks that exactly matched the name I intended to use. To be extra secure, I hired an attorney to conduct a more thorough trademark search.

I didn’t want any nasty shocks later on. I’m glad I did since my lawyer discovered it. Another company with a similar trademark has a history of suing. Anyone who infringes on their brand. They were unlikely to sue me, but they might have asked that I alter the name of my firm at any time. That would not only have been a major pain in the neck, but it would have undone all my hard work in creating my brand.

I heard of a blogger who spent 10 years creating her business. Only to have it all fall apart when another firm claimed she was infringing on its trademark. Even if this is an extreme case, it shows that trademark infringement is not something to take.


I would not advocate learning the intricacies of trademark law without the help of a lawyer. Hire a lawyer who specializes in this area of law if you can afford it. If paying an attorney is out of the question, look into taking a class on how to do your trademark search. There is a course provides a course called Tackle Your Trademark. Covers this as well as how to submit your trademark. The third option is to use your name for both your website and/or your company name. I took that action when I realized using Spark Your Blog wasn’t secure. Someone will rarely start a lawsuit against you for using your name. Unless you share it with a prominent celebrity.

8. Adhere to privacy and data laws by having legal policies on your website.

1. A Disclaimer Policy.
2. A Comment Policy.
3. A Guest Posting Policy.
4. An Anti-Spam Policy.

  • A comment moderation system
  • A CAPTCHA system
  • A link moderation system
  • A ban list

5. A Copyright Policy.

  • Copyright Notice
  • License
  • Terms of Use
  • A Privacy Policy
  • A Linking Policy

1. A Disclaimer Policy.

It’s crucial to establish a few basic policies from the beginning if you’re a new blogger. One of them is a disclaimer policy. Having a disclaimer policy for your site is something you should know about. What is an indemnity policy? A disclaimer policy is a clause that specifies how much liability you as a blogger are willing to accept. It indicates that you’re not liable if someone exploits the material of your blog. In a way that causes harm or losses.
 What is the purpose of a disclaimer policy? The disclaimer is important because it can help limit your liability if you file a lawsuit. Assume you’ve written a blog article on a trendy new product. If someone reads your blog article and purchases the product, and it turns out to be a flop, they may sue you for damages.
In such cases. Having a disclaimer policy in place might assist cut your responsibility. Disclaimers might also assist you to avoid slander claims. Remember that disclaimer policies are not infallible. They will not prevent you from every prospective litigation. But they will assist you in limiting your exposure in some cases.

What thus ought your disclaimer policy contain? Here are a few essential topics to discuss:

  • You are not liable if someone uses the material of your blog in a way that causes harm or losses.
  • The content of your blog is for informational reasons.
  • The information on your blog should not replace seeking professional counsel.
These are only a few instances. You should change your disclaimer policy to meet your unique requirements. Yet, keep in mind that your disclaimer policy is to assist you. Reduce your responsibility, not shield you from every potential case. So, don’t obsess about the little things. You should be OK as long as you remember to include the necessities.

2. A Comment Policy.

Setting expectations for readers on your site through a comment policy is essential. To prevent any unfavorable or cruel remarks, it’s crucial to have a comment policy in place. As a new blogger, it’s crucial to have a commenting policy. In place to make sure your site is always a welcoming and pleasant location for readers.

When creating your comment policy, keep the following considerations in mind:

First, think about the types of comments you want to promote on your site. Make sure to make it clear in your comment policy. If you’re looking for meaningful and productive debate. So, if you’d rather keep things light and upbeat, be sure to let readers know that critical. Or unfavorable comments won’t accept it.

Consider how you will regulate comments. Will you read and approve all comments before they post them? Or will you allow comments to posts and only intervene if a comment breaches your policy? There is no right or wrong answer here. But it is critical to be transparent about your moderating process. So that readers know what to expect.

Finally, specify which kind of comments will not be accepted on your site. Personal assaults, vulgarity, spam, or off-topic comments are examples of this. You may assist to develop a courteous and happy comment. Community on your site by being explicit about what is not permitted.

Making a comment policy may appear difficult at first. But it is valuable work to guarantee that your site stays a safe and inviting area for all readers. You may design a comment policy that works for you and your blog. By considering what kinds of comments you want to promote. How you will regulate them, and what is not permitted.

3. A Guest Posting Policy.

If you operate a blog, chances are you’ll want to hire others to write for you at some time. After all, it takes a lot of effort to create new material every day. And it might be beneficial to have some different viewpoints on your site. Before you begin allowing guest articles, you must first establish a clear guideline. Here are three points to include in your guest blogging policy.
First, you must select what type of information will be permitted on your site. This entails establishing some fundamental principles for language, tone, and topic matter. You don’t have to be rigid, but make sure that the substance of guest articles is consistent. With the tone and concept of your blog.
Second, you must provide some guidelines for how the guest post will be presented. This covers things like word count and picture constraints. Again, you don’t need to be limiting here, but it’s crucial to know what you want from guest contributors.
Finally, you must select what you will do with the guest post after it has been submitted. Are you going to change it at all or post it as is? What type of changes are you planning to make if you’re going to update it? These are all critical questions to address before accepting guest contributions.
It is critical to have a clear guest blogging policy in place. Before accepting submissions. It will assist guarantee the material on your site. Is of constant quality and corresponds to the general tone and topic of your site. So, before you start inviting guest authors to your site, make sure you have a sound protocol in place.

4. An Anti-Spam Policy.

Spam comments will affect all bloggers, no matter how large or small their platforms. This may be a significant hassle, not because it wastes time to delete them. But also because it discourages legitimate commentators from engaging with your material. The best strategy to deal with spam is to avoid it in the first place. An anti-spam policy is a fantastic approach to doing this.

Here are four things your anti-spam strategy should include:

1. A mechanism for comment moderation:-

All comments should be moderated before being published. Since this is one of the greatest strategies to avoid spam comments. This enables you to identify and remove any spam comments before they are seen by other users. There are several approaches to comment moderation. One is to do it, which requires you to review every remark before it is posted. Although time-consuming, this is the best technique to end all spam. Use a plugin or service that will check comments for you as an alternative. Although not completely reliable, this can be useful. Even so, some spam comments can still get through.

 2. A CAPTCHA system:-

A CAPTCHA system is an excellent approach to limiting the number of spam comments you get.  Stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. It’s a test that can only be passed by humans, not bots. When a person attempts to post a comment on your blog, they must first pass the CAPTCHA test. Most spam comments will be prevented since bots will fail the test.

3. A method for link moderation:-

Some spam comments provide hyperlinks to other websites. These links are dangerous since they can lead to malware or other infections. These kinds of comments will be prevented from being published by a link control system. All comments including links must be authorized by you. Before they are published under this system.

 4. A ban list:-

A ban list is a list of IP addresses or email addresses that have been barred from making comments on your site. If someone posts a spam remark, you can add their IP address or email address to the ban list. This will prohibit them from leaving any more comments. There are several methods for creating a ban list. One option is to do it, which requires you to keep track of all the IP addresses. And email addresses that you prohibit. Another alternative is to use a plugin or service that will develop and administer a ban list for you. An anti-spam strategy is an excellent technique to limit the number of spam comments you get. You can prevent most spam comments from appearing. By integrating a comment moderation system. a CAPTCHA system, a link moderation system, and a ban list.

5. A Policy on Copyright.

As a new blogger, you may believe that you do not need a copyright policy. But believe me, you do! A copyright policy is essential for two reasons: first, it protects you (and your blog), and second, it establishes how you want your material to be used by others.

Here are three policies that all new bloggers should have:

1. Notice of Copyright:-

The first step is to add a copyright notice to your blog. This notice should include the publishing date, your name (or the name of your blog), and a copyright symbol (). As an example, Welvz 2022. Every right is retained. This notice informs everyone that your blog’s material is protected. By copyright law, they may not use it without your permission.

 2. License:-

A license is required for the second policy. As long as they go by the license conditions. This is what permits other people to use your material in certain ways. Choose a license, for instance, that permits people to use your work as long as they attribute it to you. You might also decide on a license that permits others to use your material for commercial gain (i.e. they can sell it). At Creative Commons (, you may discover several license types.

 3. Terms of Policy:-

A Terms of Use policy is the third and last type of policy that you need. In a sense, this is an agreement outlining the terms of utilizing your blog between you and your readers. You could wish to stipulate that users can only use your content for non-commercial. Personal use in the rule, for instance. You could also wish to add a clause stating that anyone who wants to use your work must first get your consent.

TermsFeed. ( has samples of Terms of Use policies that you may browse through. It’s crucial to have a copyright policy in place as a new blogger to ensure your legal protection. A copyright policy also establishes guidelines for how you want your material to be used. By others, which is more significant. So be sure to select a license and Terms of Use that correspond to your preferences.

4. A Privacy Policy:-

As a beginner blogger, you may not think you need a privacy policy. But having a privacy policy is a must for any website, even if you’re starting. A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document that outlines the way a website collects. Uses disclose and manage the personal information of its users. Personal information is any information that can be used. To identify an individual such as a name, address, email address, or IP address.

As a new blogger, it’s critical to have a copyright policy in place to protect yourself. Copyright policy establishes your expectations for how others will use your property. As a result, be certain that the license and Terms of Service reflect your preferences.

In your privacy policy, you should contain a few items, like:

  • How you use the data you gather.
  • Who do you share the data with?
  • How you safeguard the data you gather.
  • Your contact information in case users has any questions. Or issues about your privacy policy.

A privacy policy is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Increases audience trust by being transparent about how you use their personal information.
  • Helps you follow data privacy regulations. Such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Makes it clear to your users what you will and will not do with their personal information.

If you’re not sure where to start. A few tools, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Privacy Policy Generator. And the Iubenda Privacy Policy Generator may be useful. Create a privacy policy for your website as soon as workable to build trust. With your audience and keep it lawful.

5. A Linking Policy:-
All bloggers, whether they are new to blogging or have been doing it for years, should have a linking policy. A linking policy is a set of guidelines that bloggers can use to add links to their blog entries. Bloggers may guarantee that they are only linking to high-quality websites. That is relevant to their viewers by establishing a linking policy. A linking policy should have a few components. Before publishing the blog article, all links should be tested to ensure they operate. Nothing irritates a reader more than being directed to a 404 page after clicking on a link.
Second, all links must be pertinent to the blog content. If a blog article is about parenting, for example, the links should be about parenting as well. If a blog article is about fashion, then the links should be on fashion as well. Including irrelevant links will irritate readers and make them less. Inclined to click on links in future blog entries.
Finally, all links should point to high-quality websites. This requires that the website be well-designed, well-written, and accurate. Readers should be able to trust the content on the website and should be able to explore it. Linking to low-quality websites will reflect on the blog and will only annoy viewers. If you’re starting as a blogger.

There are a few crucial principles you should put in place to ensure your success:-

  • First, make sure you have a clear and straightforward privacy policy outline. What data you’re collecting and why.
  • Second, have a robust comment policy in place to end spam. Promote meaningful criticism.
 Finally, think about adopting a sponsored post policy to declare any ties. You have with your sponsors. You can establish a successful blog. Engages and grow your readership by following these easy recommendations.

9. Produce Your Unique Content

It might be difficult to stand out in a world of perpetual material. With so much competition, how can you make your material unique and interesting? Here are a few pointers:
Having a distinct voice is one approach to help your material stand out. Write in a style that reflects your personality and experiences. It’s also crucial to be genuine. Write about issues that you’re enthusiastic about and are well-versed in. Finally, don’t be scared to stand out. Be innovative with your material and think beyond the box. You’ll stand out from the crowd if you can discover a unique and intriguing take on a known issue. By following these guidelines. You may generate unique content. Will attract the attention of your target audience.

10. Adhere to privacy and data laws by having legal policies on your website.

Most likely, you’ve heard of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), two regulations that demand greater openness. Consumer control over how personal information is used and kept online.
Here are the fundamentals you need to know as an internet company owner. Or blogger because there are a lot of misconceptions about these rules.
You need a banner for cookies. Before tracking a visitor’s cookies, a cookie banner asks for consent. One thing to note is that not all cookie banners are made equal. Your cookie banner has to provide users with the choice to decline to collect their data to be compliant.
If your website has no third-party cookies. The Squarespace cookie banner won’t do this action (Google Analytics, for example). Yet, if you want to enhance your cookie game, think about using a plugin like CookiePro. Most users accept this and use it. Your regulations need an update. Verify the GDPR and CCPA compliance with any Terms and Conditions. Privacy Policy legal templates you get.
Consent checkboxes should be included in your email registration forms. Depending on your email marketing supplier, this might be simple or difficult. GDPR compliance is a breeze withConvertKit. go to your account settings and choose “Show only to subscribers in the EU. (Identified by IP address)” under “Subscriber Consent Options (GDPR compliance)”. To enable form checkboxes in ConvertKit.
Nobody understands how the GDPR and CCPA will be enforced. It’s doubtful that you’ll be targeted soon if you’re not compliant, but it’s always better to be prepared.

11. Include your address in promotional emails.

If you use an email services provider like MailChimp or ConvertKit. You may be wondering why your postal address is shown in the footer of your newsletter. This is necessary by law to follow the CAN-SPAM Act, which was established to protect consumers from spamming email marketingI didn’t think having an address was a legal obligation during my first few years of blogging. So I removed my address from my newsletter footer. I didn’t want random folks on the Internet to know where I lived!
As it turned out, I did not need to be concerned about my privacy. You are not required to give your home address. Rent the cheapest P.O. box you can locate and list that address instead. Mine is around $80 each year. It’s a tiny thing to pay to know that my privacy is secure and that I’m following the law. You can use ConvertKitaddress *’s instead of your home address or a P.O. box. If you use them as your email marketing provider. This is an excellent strategy to save money when you first start!

12. Disclosing Affiliate Relationships.

Do you include a list of your financial and material relationships after each blog post? In the footer? What’s in your sidebar? On a special disclosure page? If you do, I have some terrible news for you. You violate the FCC’s affiliate disclosure standards.

Your disclosure, according to current FCC guidelines:

  • It should be clear and unavoidable.
  • It should not be separated from the “trigger item” (i.e. affiliate link).
“Before making a sale or incurring a financial responsibility, consumers must be talked with.”

In practice, how does this look?
Your disclaimer should be at the beginning. (Rather than the conclusion) of your blog article and/or next to the affiliate link itself. For example, after the affiliate link, you may put “affiliate link” in parenthesis.

13. Inform the IRS of all blog income.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you receive income from your blog, you must include it in your taxable income. Even if you do not receive any 1099 forms, you are still required to declare ALL your income. The good news is that you may write off the costs associated with blogging! To make things simpler around tax season. To keep track of my blogging-related earnings and expenditures, I keep a spreadsheet. You can create your spreadsheet. Remember that you might need to make quarterly estimated tax payments. Here is more information about anticipated taxes.

14. Get a business license.

You could suppose you don’t need a local business license. If you generate money from your blog as a lone owner. (i.e., you haven’t set up an LLC or company) and don’t offer any goods or services. In reality, a lot of counties demand that sole owners get a license and pay any expenses linked with it. Fees change. I had to pay nothing, and I doubt you’ll have to pay more than $15 to get your company registration. To be sure you’re complying with all the rules, check with your county clerk.

15. Create an accessible website.

The Americans with Impairments Act (ADA). Mandates that your website be accessible to persons with disabilities. If you run a company. You risk legal action if your website does not adhere to the WCAG(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Additionally, ADA claims are widespread. Many company owners believe that ADA plugins like AudioEye or UserWay. Will take care of their accessibility issues. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. These plugins may exacerbate the situation, creating extra problems for screen readers. (Technology used by the impaired to read web pages). Furthermore, despite misleading advertising to the contrary. These plugins offer no defense against legal action.

You may take a few straightforward actions on your own to go closer to ADA compliance:

  1.  Give image alt language that is evocative. Screen readers enjoy this.
  2.  Describe the images that are on your website.
  3. Add captions to the video you’ve created. The hard of hearing now have access to audiovisual material.
  4.  Your website should not play any audio. Screen readers may be affected, and it may also frighten individuals.
  5.  Remove any graphics or lights that are flashing. As a result, persons with epilepsy can use your website.
  6.  label all connections and navigation. Everyone can explore your website more thanks to this.
The removal advice is crucial, yet it is insufficient to abide by the ADA. Since major website platforms like Squarespace and others make it difficult. To get complete ADA compliance. I’ll be honest and say that this is a bothersome issue. You’ll likely need to use professional aid. Unless you’re a developer with complete access to your website code. And a thorough grasp of online accessibility requirements. Which isn’t workable for many small company owners who are starting.
SquareADA is your greatest option if you’re one of Squarespace’s users. They assist you in making modifications as necessary and offer audits and monitoring. They do provide some legal protection and cost between $30 to $80 every month. Even better, you may use the free tool on their website to assess how well your website is performing at the moment.

16. Always use contracts and avoid operating unauthorized lotteries.

You’ve sold your first ad space. You’re partnering with a blogger you’ve always respected. Or you got a new client. Congratulations! It’s time to make sure that this fantastic new opportunity doesn’t get you in hot water! Partnerships—whether between two business owners, a service provider, or a customer. Or a publisher and an advertiser—may offer up a world of possibilities. But they can also expose both parties to disagreements and legal action. That is why it is critical to document your agreement’s conditions.


 You are not sure where to begin or whether a legal template is even necessary?
Hiring a lawyer is costly, which is why I adore The Contract Shop. It provides contract forms produced by an attorney. (Christina Scalera—the same attorney I engaged to handle my trademark search). Christina is an entrepreneur, so she understands!

17. Avoid operating illicit lotteries.

If you conduct a giveaway on your site, you can be operating an illegitimate lottery. You might be shocked to learn that “giveaway” is not a recognized legal term. Your “giveaway” is classified as either a sweepstake, a contest, or a lottery. Here is a brief explanation for each. A gift where the winner is selected at random is called sweepstakes. There is no need to make a sale or give something of value in exchange for entry. A giveaway where the winner is selected based on merit. A contest would be. For instance, if you asked your readers to submit photos. Then selected a winner based on which shot you liked the best.
A prize draw in which a participant must make a sale or contribute something of value and a winner. Is selected at random. The rule of a”thing of value” to take part in a lottery is a key distinction between it and a sweepstake. Lottery tickets are purchased with money. But other options include time or taking some sort of activity. An illustration of an item of value is inviting someone to sign up for your newsletter in return for an entry.
The main line is that it is illegal to demand anything in exchange for entries. Additionally, you must follow the regulations of any nation. You are providing access to your giveaway. For instance, competitions are permitted in Canada while sweepstakes are not. Thus, your gift must be merit-based if you want it to be available to Canadians. This can become quite confusing, which is one of the reasons. Why do so many bloggers only allow Americans to enter their giveaways?


To stay out of trouble with the law, one must blog. You may generate material with confidence and safeguard yourself from any legal difficulties by Being aware of it. Also, according to the laws governing copyright, trademarks, affiliate marketing, privacy policies, defamation, and libel.

One comment

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