How to start a Blog and make money in 2023

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Written by Monther

Last Updated: Sep 15, 2022

How to start a Blog and make money in 2023

Here are the leading reasons you should start a blog:

  1. End up being a better writer.
  2. Construct an organization and generate income.
  3.  Develop your personal brand.
  4. Meet similar people.

 1. End up being a better writer.

One of the most obvious, but concurrently neglected, benefits of beginning a blog site is that you’ll naturally improve your composing abilities. The more you practice anything, the much better you become. This is specifically real if you’re intentionally improving your writing and offering an exceptional experience for your readers.

2. Construct an organization and generate income.

Among the most typical factors, new blog writers start is the fact that they want to earn money. And it’s true, you can make a lot of cash blogging. If you do it right, you can make countless dollars each month while working part-time.

3. Develop your personal brand.

If you want to become popular or recognized for something, a couple of ways are as reliable as discussing it online for the entire world to see. You’ll likewise develop your own special voice, style, and viewpoints the more you write about your subject.

But even if that’s where you end up, it’s not where you begin. It takes a great deal of research study, learning brand-new skills, and long hours of work to get to that point. It’s possible, but you need to be willing to put yourself in the position to arrive.

4. Meet similar people.

The most unexpected aspect of blogging for me was learning that there are entire neighborhoods online for almost every blogging-specific niche: cryptocurrency, course developers, personal financing blog writers, health, food services, photography, and fitness. 

Whatever specific niche you’re in, I’d guess there’s a social network, and even a conference, committed to content developers like you. I’ve fulfilled a few of my preferred people and coaches at blogging-related conferences and events. 

These communities can likewise be outstanding resources for fixing problems, getting the answer to your questions, or getting feedback on your ideas. Keep in mind: Just since you fit into one, or even all, of the classifications above still does not mean that blogging is the right suitable for you. Experience in digital marketing or online service, then you can most likely expect to begin making decent money by month 6 if you put in the work.

And I do not just suggest putting in hours. I indicate putting in the best work and focusing on the right things (publishing content with a money-making purpose, driving traffic, building your e-mail list, etc) 

There are great deals of reasons you might not want to start a blog, including (but not restricted to):

1. It takes a lot of work.
2. You [probably] won’t earn money quickly.
3. You need to find out to self-motivate.
4. It is more data-driven than you believe.

How to start a Blog and make money in 2023

1. It takes a lot of work.

Even if they don’t admit it, I think some blog writers enter into it with this unconscious belief that they’ll just begin writing posts and cash will just appear in their bank account. While that would be remarkable, those dollars aren’t going to make themselves. It takes a great deal of work, discomfort, and failure to succeed as a blog writer.

While there are lots of blogging courses available that can assist you to get there faster, blogging, just like any other service, requires time and patience.

2.You [probably] won’t generate income quickly.

Speaking of perseverance, you most likely will not make money right out of eviction. There are constantly exceptions to the guideline, but if you’re totally new to blogging and have no experience in digital marketing or online service, then you can most likely expect to begin making decent money by month 6 if you put in the work.

And I do not just suggest putting in hours. I indicate putting in the best work, and focus on the right things (publishing content with a money-making purpose, driving traffic, building your e-mail list, etc).

3. You have to discover to self-motivate.

Due to the fact that blogging typically takes a while to start earning income, you have to be able to motivate yourself to keep going. Notification I state “learn to encourage yourself” rather than “be self-motivated.” Self-motivation and self-control are skills, not personality types. I wasn’t excellent at either when I first began, however, I’ve discovered that little steps everyday substance to big success.

However, no matter where you arrive on the inspiration spectrum, there’s no rejecting that blogging is a lonely endeavor. That’s why finding your neighborhood online can be a real peace of mind saver.

4. It is more data-driven than you believe.

You do not always have to be an analytical, data-driven person to succeed at blogging. However, if you’re not, you might want to think about discovering a blog/business partner, because blogging for cash includes dealing with a great deal of information. In order to understand how your content is performing, you’ll need to examine your traffic and conversion rates (i.e. how well your copy transforms readers into consumers).You can likewise improve the experience for your readers using data. 

For example, if you find a short article that has a high bounce rate (i.e. people aren’t remaining on the page for very long), then you may check to reduce the introduction, including more valuable material, or writing in a various tone. Knowing your information is crucial to generating income as a blogger.

let’s dive in …

Wish to discover how to start a blog?

If you’re searching for a complimentary, simple, and detailed guide to follow on how to begin a blog, then you’ve concerned the right location. I’m here to help assist you through this.  

How to start a Blog and make money in 2023 .

Beginning a blog site isn’t difficult. You can establish your hosting and have your site worldwide in a matter of minutes. However, you’re not simply here to start any blog. You’re here to make money with a blog. Which needs a bit more setup and planning.

This is why we’ve consisted of not simply how to begin your blog, but also how to develop your blog utilizing a style, how to enhance your new blog with free plugins, and how to choose what article to write first. You’ll find out how to begin a blog site today in 8 easy steps that’ll take you about 10 to 15 minutes to start blogging now. 

I’ve divided this guide into succinct sections that’ll stroll you through the procedure of starting a blog site today and getting your first post published.

Here today. So, how do you begin a blog site ?

What is a blog ?

A blog site is a routinely updated website where brand-new material is frequently published, normally written in an informal or conversational design– often with the goal of bring in readers and creating online earnings. In this guide, we’re speaking about both how to begin a blog site and generate income from it

What is a blog

Should you begin a blog site?

Today, beginning a blog is without a doubt one of the easiest, most accessible ways to release your own business and make earnings online (from anywhere in the world). The very best part? You do not require to be a professional writer in order to start a blog– since individuals who check out blogs crave the more relatable, conversational tone of a blog writer.

You don’t need any credentials, years of experience in your field, or school degrees in order to begin a blog site and become successful with it. You can really start a blog site despite your age, place, and experience level.

If you have any of these objectives for yourself, then you must highly think about beginning a blog site:

  1.  Earning money on the internet.
  2.  Developing a company’s or an individual’s brand name.
  3.  Tell your personal narrative

1. Earning money on the internet.

As we approach 2023, millions of people around the globe are relying on earning money from home- rather than pursuing a traditional 9-to-5 job. 

Earning money on the internet.

Blogging can be one of the most rewarding online companies with very low costs if you do it properly. And the very best part is the handful of hours you take into composing a blog post today can generate income for you long into the future. We’re yapping more about how to blog and generate income later in this guide. You don’t need to blog full-time either. Even part-time bloggers can make well into the six- figures from their blog sites each year, as I’ve done for several years.

2. Developing a company’s or an individual’s brand name.

If you already have a business you’re wishing to grow, then beginning a blog site is by far the best method to attract more customers online, or perhaps to your shop without spending a dime on marketing. I’ve helped dozens of small company owners write blog content that brings hundreds of new readers (prospective customers) to their sites every day.

And the very best part is the handful of hours you take into composing a blog post today can generate income for you long into the future. We’re yapping more about how to blog and generate income later in this guide. You don’t need to blog full-time either. Even part-time bloggers can make well into the six- figures from their blog sites each year, as I’ve done for several years.

And if you wish to elevate your individual brand name to one day land a book deal, and end up being a paid speaker or specialist, blogging is an exceptional method to show your leadership in your field.  As soon as you begin blogging to grow your service or individual brand, you’ll never wish to go back.

3. Tell your personal narrative.

One of the most purposeful factors to start a blog site is to share what you’ve learned with the world. If you’ve developed a beneficial skill, accumulated experience at a job, or mastered a particular craft, then others out there who are just starting can benefit greatly from the advice you have to offer.

A blog site is the best place to share whatever from your own personal journey through life, to recording your everyday activities, shedding light on life updates, or using professional insights to others. So, if you’re ready to take a leap and learn how to start a blog that can ultimately make a significant amount of online income, let’s get into this easy, step-by-step tutorial for brand-new bloggers but you need to be willing to put yourself in the position to arrive.

Table of Contents:-

Click on any of the items below to be taken directly to that section:-

  1. Choose a name for your blog.
  2. Launch your blog online (Webhosting).
  3. Style your blog with a complimentary WordPress theme.
  4. Write your very first blog post.
  5. Promote your blog and earn money.
  6. Develop an effective long-lasting content strategy.
  7. Devote to a regular publishing schedule on your blog.
  8. Use complimentary images and designs to make your article stick out.
  9. Last takeaways for new bloggers.
  10. Frequently Asked Questions.
I’m going to show you everything you need to know when it comes to finding out how to start a blog site and ultimately benefit from it. But initially …

1. Choose a name for your blog.

If you have not currently done so, select a niche, a blog name, and a hosting provider. Look for an effective niche. Your specific niche is just the basic market sector in which your website runs. Among the successful blog site, specific niches are:

1. CPA
2. Electronics
3. Cooking.
4. Music.
5. Makeup.
6. Automotive.
7. Christianity.
8. Vegan.
9. Fishing.
10. Gardening.
11. Herbal.
12. Keto.
13. Beauty.
14. Gaming.
15. Pet
16. Dogs

17. Cats
18. Books
19. VPN
20. Spiritual
21. Survival
22. Tech
24. Finance
24. budgeting
25. E-learning
26. Sport niche
27. Golf
28. yoga
29. weight loss
30. Fitness
31. Nutrition

32. Coffee
33. Finance
34. Investing
35. Business
36. Tutorials
37. Pickleball
38. 3D printing
39. Software
40. Credit repair
41. Photography
42. Baby products
43. Meditation
44. Education
45. Productivity
46. Home Security.
47. Debt settlemen

48. Arts & crafts.
49. Home Decor.
50. Internet of things
51. Food services
52. Basketball tennis or running
53. Green Products-Energy saving
54. Psychics and astrology
55. Bitcoin & crypto.
56.  Personal Finance
57. Health and fitness
58. Beauty and fashion
59. Personal development
60. Cryptocurrency/metaverse
61. Auto loan affiliate program
62. location content
63. Document side hustle
64. Personal development

2. Launch your blog online (Webhosting).

When you’re ready to start your blog website and show it, you have numerous options.

The majority of individuals use a blogging platform in conjunction with Webhosting (which most other blog writers use).

  1. is (completely free).
  2. is ranked second (paid).

1.WordPress (absolutely free).

  1. Is entirely free to use (with heavy constraints).
  2. Does not permit the selection of a custom domain (for example,
  3. Has incredibly few money-making opportunities (you cannot give your own advertisements).
  4. Does not permit the upload of plugins (for email capture and other things).
  5. There is limited design help, restricting you to truly common designs.
  6. You must pay to have the WordPress branding removed and your own domain name, such as, registered.
  7. SEO and analytics are restricted. (paid).

  1. Completely customizable design, unlimited plugin options, and no branding.
  2. Total control over your own money-making efforts.
  3. Effective SEO functions (so individuals can nd your website much easier).
  4. Let’s start or add an eCommerce shop or subscription site.
  5. Small routine month-to-month cost (from the web hosting company you choose to host your blog).

While the option is yours, if you want to maximize your blog site, be able to have it grow with you, and eventually generate income from it, is the technique to go when learning how to start a blog site (and the procedure you’ve followed up to this point). 

It’s the CMS of option that’ll sit in the background and power your blog site. Free might appear like the method to go when you’re an extremely first start, however, if your goal is to earn money, you’ll wish to choose with paid hosting (which you can get for a variety of dollars monthly). provides you more liberty over your site, including your style, your material, and how you make money.

What is the most credible web hosting service?

The top Webhosting services supply your site with the website speed, security features, uptime, simpleness of use, and combinations that it needs. You need to choose the best web hosting services if you want to go on the internet and make your site accessible to the remainder of the world.

The leading web hosting services can help you reach your goals, from devoted hosting accounts to cloud services and premium WordPress hosting. Let’s conserve money by picking the finest hosting service for your blog site, online store, or small business site. Along with my leading five suggestions, so you may select the best one for you.

Let’s get this party started.

Preferably, your specific niche must be a topic that: 

  1. you are familiar with it and/or
  2. you are interested in it
  3. Something that other people are interested in

If you can catch all three, you’ve found a lucrative niche. Select a domain name. As soon as you have your overall specific niche, the next action is to pick your blog site name (AKA domain name/URL).

Your domain name is a fundamental part of your blog site for 3 reasons:

1. It’s your first impression.

When a user sees your content on social media or comes to your site, one of the first things they’ll see is your URL. It should provide a basic idea of what you can help them with.

2. It’s part of your brand.

A great domain name can help you stick out from rivals in your specific niche and make your brand more unforgettable. It can also showcase your personality and let users understand what to expect from your material.

3. It impacts your SEO.

It’s not necessary, but it can help to have a relevant keyword or 2 in your domain. For example, if you’re starting a fitness blog site, then you may think about having “physical fitness” in your domain name. 
This assists online search engines in better comprehending what your site is about.

Here are some ideas for choosing an excellent domain name:

1. if possible.

It’s the most memorable and most common extension. If version isn’t readily available, choose various domain names.

2. Prevent punctuation (like hyphens) and numbers.

Your domain must be simple to spell, pronounce, and keep in mind.

3. Keep it short.

A good general rule is to go for 12 characters or less. The much shorter it is, the simpler individuals will remember.

4. Make sure it’s simple to pronounce.

Once again, if it’s challenging to pronounce or doesn’t seem like it’s spelled, people might not remember it. You can check this by composing your domain down (or texting it to a few buddies) and asking them to pronounce your domain the way they believe it sounds. If many people get it right, then you’re most likely great to go.

5. Utilize complimentary domain generators if you get stuck.

There are lots of excellent tools out there. Wordoid helps you create unique, fabricated words. Domain Wheel and Name Mesh find available domains in your specific niche.

While your domain is very important, do not let it hold you back from getting going. It’s simple to spend too much time in the preparation stage and get overwhelmed. 

However 9 times out of 10, fast action wins out over mindful estimation. If you find yourself getting stuck here, simply select a domain name you can live with and carry on.

Some lucrative hosts are as follows:

  1. Nexcess
  2. Bluehost
  3. Hostinger
  4. HostGator
  5. GreenGeeks
nx logo og 2 1

Best Overall

blue host

Best For Begineer

Hostinger 1

Most Economical

HostGator 1

Best Low-Cost Hosting


Greenest Web Hosting


Most hosting firms offer significant introductory savings and make it simple to get started. Here are my top recommendations for the finest web hosting:

1. Nexcess.
2. Bluehost.
3. Hostinger.
4. HostGator.
5. GreenGeeks.

6. WP Engine.
7. Siteground.
8. HostPapa.
9. Cloudways.
10. Dreamhost.

11. iPage.
12. Liquid Web.
13. Kinsta.
14. A2 Hosting.
15. Inmotion Hosting.
16. EasyWP.

17. AccuWeb Hosting.
18. WebHostingPad.
19. Namecheap.
21. GoDaddy Web Hosting.
22. WordPress VIP.

WP Engine 1
Best Professional

WP Engine

siteground 1
Best Client Satisfaction


HostPapa 1
Reliable Web Hosting for Small Business


Cloudways 1
The Best Managed Hosting for Advanced Users


Dreamhost 1
Web Hosting with a Purpose that is Quick and Secure


iPage 1
One-Size Fits All Hosting Best for Local Businesses


Liquid Web 1
Best Managed Web Hosting and Phone Support for Small Businesses

Liquid Web.

Fastest Web Hosting at a 51% Saving


A2 Hosting 1
Cheapest WordPress Managed Hosting

A2 Hosting

Inmotion Hosting 2
Cheapest Managed WordPress Hosting

Inmotion Hosting

AccuWeb Hosting 1
Best Fully Managed Windows VPS Hosting

AccuWeb Hosting

WebHostingPad 1 1
Great All-Inclusive, Cheap Web Hosting


Many Hosting Options and EasyWP


5/5 1
The All-In-One Solution with Marketing Support

GoDaddy Web Hosting
Best for Add-Ons

GoDaddy Web Hosting

WordPress VIP

WordPress VIP

EasyWP 1
Supersonic plan



3. Style your blog with a complimentary WordPress theme.

Now that you’ve survived the very first stage, it’s time to enter into the fun part of how to begin a blog. Creating your WordPress blog is when you may begin to feel a little friction with the process of starting a blog site (if you’ve never done this before).

But I guarantee this will not get too technical. If you want to start a blog and earn money from it, WordPress theme is your only clever choice. Let’s rapidly get some standard terminology out of the way First, so you understand why WordPress is the right platform to run your blog site on.

What is a CMS ?

A Content Management System (or CMS) is where you’ll be composing, creating, and releasing your article. A great CMS (like WordPress) is easy to use, lets you organize your material, upload images, and videos, and has control over how your whole blog site looks using styles or customized design components.
The most popular CMS you’ve more than likely become aware of is WordPress, which is what I utilize here on my blog site. In fact, the current blogging statistics reveal that over 60% of all blog sites run on this CMS, including the sites for New York, Forbes, TED, Thought Catalog, Observer, TechCrunch, NBC, and others.

 Should I begin a blog on WordPress? And is WordPress free?

Naturally, there are other CMS choices you can take a look at, such as Squarespace, Ghost, and Wix when learning how to start a blog.

Nevertheless, I strongly recommend setting up a self-hosted WordPress site for your blog as it’s the most sustainable, long-lasting solution– and truly the only choice worth considering if you’re beginning a blog site with the eventual goal of generating income from your website in some way, shape, or type. Why style is so essential when discovering how to begin a blog site Even if you don’t actually appreciate design, your readers do. 

In a 2012 study from Google and the University of Basel, scientists discovered that users evaluate a site’s visual beauty and viewed functionality in 1/20th– 1/50th of a 2nd. Plus, thanks to a little mental predisposition called the Halo impact we extend that judgment to all parts of your blog. What this suggests is that in less time than it requires to snap their fingers, a reader has chosen whether or not to trust your blog. Excellent style constructs trust. 

It informs people that you care enough about your blog to make it look good. This doesn’t mean you need crazy animations or lots of typefaces and colors. In fact, the very best designs are easy, clear, and easy to check out. Real fast before we dive deep into blog style, I wanted to drop in a few links to a handful of common blogging FAQs I’m frequently asked. 

So, if you’ve got one of these concerns when it comes to discovering how to develop a blog site, you can click on them and jump straight down to my answers at the end of this guide:

  1. How do bloggers make money?
  2. How much does it cost to begin a blog?
  3. Is blogging still pertinent in 2022?
  4. Why should I start a blog?

Choosing the very best (complimentary) WordPress theme for your blog :

Like I said in the video above, I do not necessarily advise purchasing a paid WordPress theme like the one I utilize here (OptimizePress) as a new blogger until you have some traffic and are generating at least a little earnings from your blog site.

While OptimizePress is an amazing style, diving into something like that at this stage will be a distraction from your most important priority of actually bringing readers to your blog site.

I advise going with the totally free Elementor Page Builder. When you download the totally free variation of Elementor, you’ll get their (incredible) in-depth guidelines on how to install & optimize the theme too:

I like Elementor a lot because it’s super crisp, clean, and basic, and will get you to a great beginning point without needing to buy a paid theme as you simply begin blogging. 

Plus, as your new blog begins to grow, Elementor’s upgrade options that open more widgets, templates, and design resources– are seriously as good as it gets when it comes to the best WordPress styles on the market today.

How to examine other WordPress styles for your blog :

Selecting a style for your WordPress blog can be a lot of fun. However, it can likewise take up a ton of time that you might otherwise be using to write and promote your posts (and therefore get to your very first blog site earnings much faster).

Here are my recommendations of the 31 Best WordPress Themes for Bloggers :

There are a lot of styles to have a look at, and it’s simple to get swept away by the ones that look amazing, however, may not be functionally terrific. Keep in mind, that design isn’t practically how your blog site looks. It’s about how it works. And the much easier it is to navigate and check out, the much better.

1. Elementor
2. GeneratePress
3. OptimizePress
4. Astra Pro
5. Challenger
6. Felt

7. Divi
8. BuddyX Pro
9. Total
10. Bridge
11. Avada
12. BeTheme

13. OceanWP
14. Wonderwall
15. Vlog
16. Neve
17. Zelle Pro
18. Hestia Pro

19. Typology
20. Schema
21. Clean
22. Aspire Pro
23. MoneyFlow
24. Angle

25. Noemi
26. Candor
27. X the Theme
28. The Essence
29. Cheer Up
30. Newspaper
31. Highlight PRO







Astra pro

Astra Pro



Felt LT


The Essence

The Essence



BuddyX Pro

BuddyX Pro









nx logo og 2 1

X the Theme

Cheer up

Cheer Up



nx logo og 2 1




nx logo og 2 1

Zelle Pro


Hestia Pro











Aspire Pro

Aspire Pro







Highlight PRO

Highlight PRO


Here are a couple of ideas of what to look for when examining WordPress themes:

  1. Keep it basic:
  2. It is essential to be responsive.
  3. Does it work in different browsers?
  4. Plugins that are supported
  5. SEO friendliness:
  6. Assistance
  7. Rankings and evaluations.

1. Keep it basic:

At the end of the day, the objective of starting a blog is to share material that can be easily taken in (check out, enjoyed, experienced). And sadly, plenty of elegant blog themes get in the way of that. 

Don’t get too drawn in by crazy-looking WordPress styles that jeopardize legibility and usability. If a style looks excellent but doesn’t help you share your ideas and engage with readers, it’s not a great theme.

2. It is essential to be responsive.

Responsiveness refers to themes that ensure your blog looks as excellent on a laptop, as it does on someone’s smartphone. 

Today, a growing number of individuals use their phones to check out blog sites, and depending on your audience, that number could be 50% or greater (like mine is). 

Google also prefers mobile-friendly sites and ranks them at the top of their organic search results page. If you’re not completely sure whether a theme is mobile-friendly or not, copy and paste the URL of the style’s demo page into Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test page.

(This test will often show some warnings. But major warnings to keep an eye out for text being too little or content larger than the screen).

3. Does it work in different browsers?

Your readers will not just be using different gadgets, but various browsers. Many style developers carefully evaluate their themes throughout web browsers, however in some cases mistakes slip through. Try screening on a number of different web browsers just to make certain.

4. Plugins that are supported.

If you’re utilizing WordPress, the genuine power of your blog originates from plugins. These are “Add-ons” to your blog that offer you extra performance. Make certain the style you’re picking supports all popular plugins. If you’re unsure, ask the designer.

5. SEO friendliness:

SEO, or search engine optimization, describes how well Google and other search engines can your details when individuals search for it. 

Some styles use bulky code that makes it tough for the online search engines to read. And while nobody expects you to examine a style’s code you should see if the designer has said it is enhanced for SEO.

6. Assistance:

Problems happen. And when they do, you wish to have the ability to. Request help. Great deals of free theme designers won’t offer support for their items. So that’s something to be familiar with when making your choice.

7. Rankings and evaluations.

Look for styles with great performance history. If the theme is sold on a third-party market you must be able to see evaluations with no problem.

For a complimentary WordPress theme, you’ll see the ratings just listed below the download button. With all of this in mind, my suggestion is to utilize Elementor as your WordPress style option, as it’ll be the very best style for new bloggers to learn about.

Once you’ve decided on the ideal style for your WordPress blog site, it’s time to dive into the world of WordPress plugins, to assist unlock even more modifications and must-do prep work in order to provide your blog a strong possibility of developing into a full-on company.

4. Enhance your blog site.

 Plugins include new performance to your website, like the ability to create a contact kind or back up your site with the click of a button. With the countless plugins offered, it’s simple to get lost in the mix. But as a brand-new blog writer, you do not require every plugin out there.

Start with these 10 complimentary plugins and tools to assist get your material seen, shared, and begin developing an audience.

  1. Yoast SEO 
  2.  Rank Math SEO
  3. OptinMonster
  4. WPForms 
  5.  Kaliforms.
  6. Social Snap 
  7. Sumo.
  8. MonsterInsights.
  9. BackupBuddy.
  10. WP Rocket.
  11. MaxCDN.
  12. MemberPress.
  13. Insert Headers and Footers.
yoast seo

Yoast SEO



Social Snap

Social Snap









WP Rocket

WP Rocket

Rank Math

Rank Math

optin monster






Insert Headers and Footers

Insert Headers 6 Footers


1. Yoast SEO or Rank Math SEO

The more individuals that can discover your material, the better your blog will do. The Yoast WordPress plugin helps you to optimize your article titles, descriptions, material length, and other aspects across your whole blog site so that you can be found easier by search engines.

The Rank Math WordPress SEO plugin is a popular option to Yoast and likewise uses comparable functionality, but goes numerous bits deeper in terms of SEO ideas for much better readability of your blog site content, and the capability to add any of as many as 14 types of Schema (structured information) to your article and website pages– giving you a much better opportunity of landing a desirable highlighted bit ranking.

2. OptinMonster

If you’re building an email list of readers, OptinMonster has a suite of tools to help you transform more readers into e-mail customers, specifically with their exit-intent popups that catch visitors with a custom deal as they’re about to leave your site. That makes this plugin a go-to resource for getting readers to join your email address.

3. WPForms or Kaliforms.

You’ll desire your readers to be able to contact you quickly, which I highly advise– as it’ll encourage other blog writers who want to team up with you a simple opportunity to reach out. Both Kaliforms and WPForms are user-friendly plugins that permit you to drag & drop contact forms onto any page of your blog.

4. Social Snap or Sumo.

 Social shares, e-mail catches, and more can be finished with these WordPress plugins. Practically a no-brainer if you want to build and grow your blog site.

5. MonsterInsights.

This is most likely the very best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. Connect MonsterInsights to your Google Analytics account (you can sign up for a complimentary Google Analytics account right here) to find out who’s coming to your site, the length of time they’re staying, and what your most popular article is.

6. BackupBuddy.

 Again, often things fail. It’s always wise to have a backup plugin that’ll conserve all your effort regularly. 

7. WP Rocket.

Faster sites rank much better on Google and offer your readers a better experience. WP Rocket is a plugin that caches your pages, decreases your file sizes, and does far more to make sure that your blog site loads much faster for everyone.

8. MaxCDN.

Speaking of speed, MaxCDN makes images and other static components of your blog load faster as well, earning this plugin top marks to think about as a complement to WP Rocket.

9. MemberPress.

If you want to develop a gated community around your blog site material, there’s nothing much easier than utilizing the MemberPress plugin. You can develop subscriptions, limit content, and establish payment options.

10. Insert Headers and Footers…

In some cases to edit your style, you’ll have to add code snippets to your header or footer (it’s not as frightening as it sounds). However, doing it in the code of your theme can cause problems. This plugin lets you include little bits of code easily

Write your very first blog post.

You don’t read a blog site since it looks nice. You don’t read a blog site because they publish frequently (Although that both help). 

Prior to you get too far down the road of finding out how to start a blog and composing your first article

Write your very first blog post.

… you need to respond to one easy concern:

  1. Why?
  2. Why do you take care of the subject you’re blogging about?
  3. Why should other individuals listen to what you’re stating?
  4. Why is this a topic that you can include value to?

To respond to these concerns, I like to think about a blog site like any other company and select a clear specific niche. What is a niche? And why does your blog site need one?

A blog site niche is more than simply a topic. It’s the technique you’re going to take, the audience you want to pursue, and the way you’re going to talk to them and position yourself as a specialist. Once your blog site is set up, we can lastly get to the interesting part (and the part that makes you money): composing and publishing material.

The distinction between beginning a blog site as a pastime and beginning one to generate income is that you can’t just write about whatever you desire or believe or feel. You have to be deliberate about the subjects you select, and how you structure your short articles and optimize your material for traffic and conversions.

However before you even put your fingers on the keyboard, you need to determine how you prepare to generate income. Select a monetization strategy. If your goal with beginning a blog is to make money, then each article you release must have a function.

For example:

  1. Selling your own items
  2. Marketing for other companies (i.e. display ads).
  3. Sending out readers to affiliate products (i.e. businesses you deal with that pay you cash for sending them, new consumers).
  4. Recording easy organic traffic to get their attention and send them to a monetized short article.
If you do not have a strategy behind a post, then what takes place if it blows up or goes viral on Pinterest and you get a lot of traffic? You might acquire some brand-new e-mail customers or readers, however, your bank account will not see the distinction. Among the most convenient methods to earn money blogging as a beginner is through affiliate marketing, and the one we recommend starting with. 
As an affiliate marketer, you’re the middleman between companies and their potential consumers. Your objective is to match a business’s products and services with individuals who could take advantage of them. You can find appropriate items in services in your specific niche by signing up for affiliate networks. These networks offer programs from many different businesses in the very same place so you don’t need to register for them individually.
(Oftentimes the program is just provided through a network, so you couldn’t sign up for it separately if you wish to). If you currently have some tools in your specific niche that you utilize and love, then you can Google” [item name] affiliate program” to discover if they deal with affiliates. If your objective is to eventually produce your own items, affiliate marketing can assist you to identify what kinds of services and products offer the best among your audience. 
Register for a few affiliate programs in your specific niche, ideally for products you use, like, and would recommend to others. Starting with money-making in mind, you can use your affiliate programs to identify what posts you write initially. Now that you’re signed up for some affiliate programs, the next step is to brainstorm a list of short article subject


A few of the best affiliate-focused types of articles are:

  1. How to/instructional (that’s what the article you’re reading is).
  2. Listicle (e.g. leading 10 finest ____).
  3. Evaluations, comparisons, and alternatives.
Take a minute to brainstorm some article ideas based on the affiliates you’ve created. As soon as you have a list of 5-10 article ideas, a keyword research study will help you identify any low-hanging fruit– i.e.  keywords with good search volume and low competition that you might be able to rank for fairly quickly.
Let’s state your blog site is about Fitness from home and you’re now an affiliate for some companies that provide house fitness center devices. Among the ideas on your brainstorming list might be “best Fitness workout devices.”. Utilizing KWFinder, you can discover the monthly search volume for this term is high at 21,600, but the problem level of 39 is likewise higher than what a new blog can most likely rank for.
Keep in mind: KWFinder is a paid tool with plans beginning at $49/month ($ 359/year if paid annually). They offer a free 10-day trial for brand-new users. You want to discover comparable keywords that pertain to your audience but that your site might in fact be able to rank for in a short time period. So click on the Keyword Difficulty (KD) column to arrange from lowest to the greatest problem.
Here we can see that the term “best Fitness workout devices for weight-loss” has a great search volume (over 1,000/ month) and a low difficulty rating of 15, making it a great candidate for your new blog site.  This would fall under the listicle classification of the types of short articles we looked at above. 

As soon as you’ve written this piece, you can expand your affiliate material by publishing: 

  1. An extensive evaluation of each product in your listicle.
  2. Contrasts some of the popular kinds of home workout devices.
  3. An article on how to lose weight in your home (of course connecting to your “finest home workout equipment”).
Overview and compose your first blog post. It may not appear needed in the beginning, however, detailing your short article before composing is crucial. It’ll assist you:
Write quicker since you do not need to stop researching and study every area. Understand search intent for your keyword so you include all the details your reader wants and needs. Organize your article in such a way that makes sense rather than rambling and leaping around.
You can produce your summary in a Google Doc or straight in your WordPress draft. I choose to develop the mine in WordPress so when you’re ended up investigating and keeping in mind, all you need to do is fill it in with your material. In your WordPress Dashboard, browse to Posts > Add brand-new.
Here you can do a brain dump and collect all your research studies in one location. I like to do a rough outline with a bulleted list, then go back and add my notes and research study under each header to assist me as I compose. After you finish writing, you’re nearly prepared to strike release. Polish and release your short article. The last step before releasing your short article is to tweak your content. 
I highly suggest producing an article list to use for each article. This will assist keep your content consistent and make publishing much easier and quicker. A few products to consider for your checklist:
  1. Guarantee keywords are used throughout the short article (headers and body). (This will assist enhance your blog SEO and get your content seen by more individuals.
  2. Add affiliate links.
  3. Insert a highlighted image and high-quality images throughout.
  4. Make and add social media graphics.
  5. Arrange social network posts. Which’s it! When you’ve marked all the products off your list, you can publish your brand-new article and begin driving traffic to it

A few of the best affiliate-focused types of articles are:

  1. How to/instructional (that’s what the article you’re reading is).
  2. Listicle (e.g. leading 10 finest ____).
  3. Evaluations, comparisons, and alternatives.
Take a minute to brainstorm some article ideas based on the affiliates you’ve created. As soon as you have a list of 5-10 article ideas, a keyword research study will help you identify any low-hanging fruit– i.e.  keywords with good search volume and low competition that you might be able to rank for fairly quickly. Let’s state your blog site is about Fitness from home and you’re now an affiliate for some companies that provide house fitness center devices. Among the ideas on your brainstorming list might be “best Fitness workout devices.”.
Utilizing KWFinder, you can discover the monthly search volume for this term is high at 21,600, but the problem level of 39 is likewise higher than what a new blog can most likely rank for. Keep in mind: KWFinder is a paid tool with plans beginning at $49/month ($ 359/year if paid annually). They offer a free 10-day trial for brand-new users.
You want to discover comparable keywords that pertain to your audience but that your site might in fact be able to rank for in a short time period. So click on the Keyword Difficulty (KD) column to arrange from lowest to the greatest problem. Here we can see that the term “best Fitness workout devices for weight-loss” has a great search volume (over 1,000/ month) and a low difficulty rating of 15, making it a great candidate for your new blog site. 
This would fall under the listicle classification of the types of short articles we looked at above. 

As soon as you’ve written this piece, you can expand your affiliate material by publishing: 

  1. An extensive evaluation of each product in your listicle.
  2. Contrasts some of the popular kinds of home workout devices.
  3. An article on how to lose weight in your home (of course connecting to your “finest home workout equipment”).
Overview and compose your first blog post. It may not appear needed in the beginning, however, detailing your short article before composing is crucial. It’ll assist you:
Write quicker since you do not need to stop researching and study every area. Understand search intent for your keyword so you include all the details your reader wants and needs. Organize your article in such a way that makes sense rather than rambling and leaping around. You can produce your summary in a Google Doc or straight in your WordPress draft. I choose to develop the mine in WordPress so when you’re ended up investigating and keeping in mind, all you need to do is fill it in with your material. In your WordPress Dashboard, browse to Posts > Add brand-new.
Here you can do a brain dump and collect all your research studies in one location. I like to do a rough outline with a bulleted list, then go back and add my notes and research study under each header to assist me as I compose. After you finish writing, you’re nearly prepared to strike release. Polish and release your short article. The last step before releasing your short article is to tweak your content. 
I highly suggest producing an article list to use for each article. This will assist keep your content consistent and make publishing much easier and quicker. A few products to consider for your checklist:
  1. Guarantee keywords are used throughout the short article (headers and body). (This will assist enhance your blog SEO and get your content seen by more individuals.
  2. Add affiliate links.
  3. Insert a highlighted image and high-quality images throughout.
  4. Make and add social media graphics.
  5. Arrange social network posts. Which’s it! When you’ve marked all the products off your list, you can publish your brand-new article and begin driving traffic to it

4 Tips for New Bloggers.

 If you choose that the pros of blogging outweigh the cons and you’re all set to start your blog site, here are a few pointers to remember as a brand-new blog writer.
  1. Research and study your audience
  2. Focus on traffic in the beginning.
  3. Compose with character.
  4. Release perfectionism.
  5. Promote your blog and earn money.

1. Research and study your audience.

Whatever becomes much easier when you research and study your audience. The much better you understand your audience– their issues, worries, questions, and desires– the better you can assist fix their issues.  And when you’re blogging to generate income, it’s everything about finding and assisting your perfect reader.
Sign up with Facebook groups, read subreddits and Quora concerns in your niche, and if possible, schedule a call with individuals who fit your perfect reader description to discover what they’re battling with and what kinds of resources they’re interested in. This will provide you with a stockpile of content subjects along with concepts for your own service or products.

2. Focus on traffic at the start.

Lots of brand-new bloggers think they require to wait till they have a certain number of articles released before they even start considering traffic. Not if you plan to generate income.
In order to make money, you need people concerning your website. Whether you have ten posts or 5 or perhaps just one, it’s never too early to begin growing your blog traffic. The sooner you do, the earlier you’ll get feedback on your content and discover what works and what doesn’t.

3. Compose with personality.

No matter what niche you pick, possibilities exist somebody out there who’s blogged about your topic before. Perhaps even lots of individuals. That doesn’t imply you shouldn’t start a blog site on that topic or that you can’t earn money. What it suggests is that you need to discover some way to stand apart. Among the easiest methods to do that is to instill your personality into your writing.
Composing with character will make your material more relatable, and engaging, and help build trust with your readers. You’ll develop your composing design the more you compose and release material.

4.Let go of perfectionism.

Maybe the most essential suggestion I might offer any blog writer is to stop waiting up until something is “ideal” to move on. Your material will most likely absorb the start. That’s the point. If you wait to get every article perfect before you release it, you deprive yourself of the opportunity for learning and growth. You can constantly return and make changes later on. Done gets results. Perfectionism creates paralysis.

5. Promote your blog and earn money.

As we reach the year 2023. We’ll use my knowledge to talk about how we moved from learning how to establish a blog to attracting millions of visitors to our content. If you’ve made it this far, you should be well on your way to learning how to start a blog, comprehending the foundations of writing engaging articles, and creating a fantastic website design. 
Here are some of the best ways to start sharing your work and gaining new readers. If you’re looking for a lot more techniques, take a look at my guide to finding out how to drive traffic to your site, where we go even further into the approaches I’ve used to broaden my blog to millions of visitors every year.

Using social media to market your blog site :

The obvious first port of call is social networks. The most popular networks are currently Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Instagram, and Snapchat. 
Choose the platform that finest matches your specialty and audience choices. That is a critical point to make. Attempting to promote your blog entries on every social networks network is pointless.
The key thing here is to experiment and see what works for you. Each social media network naturally appeals to a certain niche and a certain type of reader. This is a quite broad declaration, however generally speaking, here’s what works best on each social platform:
  1. Facebook: Videos and curated content.
  2. Instagram: High-res pictures, quotes, and Stories.
  3. Twitter: News, articles, and GIFs.
  4. LinkedIn: Professional material and career news.
  5. Pinterest: Infographics, detailed picture guides, visual content.
  6. Reddit: Comments about subjects in your niche.

There are great deals on tools that can assist you to handle your social network posts throughout the week. In fact, with the right tool, you ought to be able to promote all your posts on social in just an hour or 2 a week. Here are my favorites:

1. Buffer:

Among the easiest methods to arrange social shares in advance for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Their internet browser plug-in is also excellent for rapidly including intriguing posts you discover to your social promo queue.

 2. Hootsuite:

If you want something a bit more thorough, Hootsuite is a powerful social sharing, scheduling, and monitoring platform. It’s most likely a bit too much for a newbie blog writer, however, is a rewarding the choice to take a look at as soon as you begin to grow.

3. Gain App:

If you work with numerous people on your blog, Gain is an excellent tool for working together and controlling who publishes what from your account. It’s a bit more pricey, however, their workflows can conserve a lot of time.

6. Develop an effective long-lasting content strategy.

As I stated currently, most articles about how to begin a blog stop at this moment. But I think it’s essential to not just discuss how to get your blog site up and running but to also look at methods to grow it into something you’re proud of (and something that can in fact earn you a good amount of income). to begin with, why have a content strategy when you begin blogging?

A strategy is truly simply an actionable plan for all the important things you’ve already done. Figured out.

  • If you know your niche and comprehend why …
  • If you understand your perfect reader and what they’re searching for …
  • If you understand the value you wish to provide and your special angle …
Then developing a material technique is as simple as resolving your reader’s most important obstacles. Even better, having a material method will help you when you’re feeling unmotivated (more than just an inspirational quote poster can ever accomplish), when you do not understand what to blog about, or when you’re thinking about giving up on your blog.

Here’s how to put a standard blog content technique together:

1. Define your goal for learning how to begin a blog site.










What do you want to achieve with your blog site material? Is it to drive traffic and get readers? To get individuals to sign up for your e-mail newsletter?  To get them to download a book you wrote or some other resource?
This goal might alter as you begin to construct your blog site, but it’s still essential to understand it early on. Once you understand your larger goal (i.e. why you selected to find out how to start a blog site in the first place).

2. Actually be familiar with your readers (and where they hang out).   

Your readers identify whether your blog achieves success. And to write for them, you need to actually comprehend them– which is why it assists if you’re also composing for yourself. 
This assurance at least an audience of one. I’m a firm believer that who you compose your blog posts for, is similarly as important as what you discuss.
In a lot of cases, you’re going to be your ideal reader, which makes this whole procedure much easier. But in practically every case, it’s useful to do a bit of research study around the audience you’re writing for (heck, you may even learn something about yourself!).

To begin, you wish to think of the demographics & psychographics of your ideal audience:


1. Demographics:

The quantitative characteristics of your readers. Believe, age, gender, place, job title, and so on. 

2. Psychographics:

The more “unmeasurable” traits like worth, interests, mindsets, and belief systems. Once you’ve written down these qualities, you can begin to come up with an audience personality– a fictionalized variation of your perfect reader. 
So, you might state that you’re starting a cooking blog for Chad, a 30– 40-year- old stay-at-home father in Portland, Oregon who values organic ingredients and isn’t too concerned about food expenses.
  • Now, the next concern is: Where does Chad hang out online?
  • Is he looking for recipes on Google or Pinterest?
  • Is he a heavy Facebook user or does he choose a specific niche neighborhood?
  • sites and forums?
  • Does he talk about other cooking websites or is he consuming?
  • content just to check out?
The objective of your blog site is to create worth for your Chad. BUT … you can’t do that up until you know who your ideal reader is and where they invest their time. 
If you’re not totally sure, it’s fine if you have more than one ideal reader. It’s essential to ensure that your personalities aren’t too broad (as your readers might not know that you’re composing for them right now).

 3. Choose your material pillars.


When it pertains to really choosing what you’re going to write about, it’s excellent to have a couple of guiding topics that you refer back to. I like to call these material pillars as they’re the foundation that holds up the rest of your blog site.
Having a couple of set pillars like this assists keep your blog focused. It likewise gives you a lens and a voice that you can compose from. For example, if you’re beginning an individual financing blog, your pillars might be:
  1. individual finance suggestions and tricks.
  2. Interviews and stories from individuals who’ve found financial self-reliance.
  3. Your take on essential monetary market news.
  4. The basics of individual financing.
  5. How to pay off your financial obligation rapidly.
Each of these pillars can have 15s if not 150s of blog posts to be composed under them. However they likewise all collaborate to show that you’re an idea leader in your specific niche.

4. Map out the material you’re going to create prior to you make a blog site.


Prior to you launching your blog site, you might want to have a bit of content currently all set to go. This is optional, and I personally do both methods with new blogs I introduce, depending upon numerous variables. However, if you have a decent-sized audience on a social network that you intend on alerting as soon as your blog site launches, you never know if your very first post might blow up and go viral. In that case, you’ll want to have at least a tactical plan to engage the new readers you get.
” I think it’s important to create a variety of articles before you introduce. We did 50 and put them all up on our site when we initially launched. If you wish to get lots of viewers right up front you need to create that material beforehand. People desire instant gratification”.
Now, you do not need to go all out and write 50 pieces of content prior to you going live. Even just a post or 2 under each of your significant content pillars is certainly enough, but if writing comes easily to you, it’s ok to do a little bit more. Remember though, it’s constantly much better to start small and grow regularly.
You’ll learn more about your audience, your process, and what works well as you write and release more. And lastly, keep in mind to have a good time and be fascinated. If you chose a specific niche that you care about, remember why you appreciate it. Individuals wish to hear your voice and your handle things. That’s how your blog and your content will stick out in the end.











The very best material technique and management tools to begin a blog (properly).

Assembling a blog content technique (and staying with it) can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning Luckily, there are tons of fantastic tools to assist you to remain organized, motivated, and on track. Here are a few of my favorites:
  1. Google Docs (free) & Google Calendar (totally free).
  2. Trello (totally free).
  3. Airtable (complimentary restricted with paid upgrades).
  4. CoSchedule (paid).
  5. Content Development Pros (for finding terrific blog writers to scale your material).
Personally, I choose to utilize a combination of Trello and Google Docs to handle my content pipeline. Trello due to the fact that it’s so visually attractive and easy to wrap my head around– but a Google Sheet is where I track much of the ongoing promo work I do to make certain my posts increase in organic rankings.

Google Docs





coschedule 1



Content Development


7. Devote to a regular publishing schedule on your blog.

If you want readers to regularly return to your blog, you require to give them a reason to. Consistency is one of the least renowned, yet essential aspects of beginning an effective blog site (and among the reasons you chose to discover how to start a blog in the first place, I’d think). Even more, research supports this claim.

There are a number of reasons consistency is crucial. Composing regularly:


1. Sets expectations with your readers:

People understand when to come back and have a look at your blog and will sign in routinely for brand-new material.

2. Sets expectations with yourself:

It can be easy to get out of the routine of publishing frequently if you miss a number of days. However, if you select and dedicate to a schedule, you know when you need to release. We all do better with a couple of due dates in our lives.
 ” Even if the majority of your posts don’t go viral, the more you publish, the much better the odds that a person will send out a lot of traffic to your method” Now, there’s a great line to walk when you first begin a blog site and want to set a strenuous publishing schedule.
You might have a ton of concepts and enthusiasm, however, over-committing is the simplest method to eliminate both of those. Rather, you ought to commit to the minimum amount you wish to release– state one or two times a week– and attempt to stay with that consistently. As author and blogger James Clear said in an interview on my podcast, “Sacrifice the scope, note not the schedule.” If you can’t compose a 1500-word post weekly then compose an 800-word post instead. Just make sure you’re consistent.
Perfectionism is a lethal killer when it pertains to jobs like this. So keep in mind, done is much better than best. This is where having a clear material calendar ends up being so crucial.
If you can spend a couple of hours monthly drawing up all the posts you want to write, you’ll constantly know what you should be working on and when it’s due. 
This can be in a simple Google Doc like the one in my totally free blogging course, or by utilizing a tool like Trello that lets you track posts through the whole procedure from concept to writing to publishing and promoting. Much like when you’re working out or investing cash, the more constant you are with investing time into your blog, the larger returns you’ll get it.

8. Use complimentary images and designs to make your article stick out.

Studies show that blog posts with images get 94% more views than those without. And when it comes to posts getting shared on social media, tweets with photos get 150% more retweets than those without one, while Facebook posts with images get 2.3X more engagement.

Simply adding a few visual elements can almost double the number of views and significantly expand the shares a post gets. Free blog photo resourcesOne of the easiest ways to add some design elements to your blog posts is with images. While the words “stock photography” might make you think of cheesy photos of awkward people in a fake office with their thumbs up… in recent years, there have been a number of much higher quality sites popping up that offer incredible photography that’s completely free to use for your blog.

Free blog site image resources.

One of the simplest ways to include some design elements in your blog posts is with images. While the words “stock photography” might make you think of tacky images of uncomfortable people in a phony office with their thumbs up … in the last few years, there have been a variety of much higher quality sites popping up that deal with extraordinary photography that’s entirely totally free to use for your blog.

Here are a few of my personal favorites:

1. Unsplash:

Unsplash is probably the best online resource of completely free-to-use, user-uploaded photos for your blog.

Every photo that makes it onto Unsplash is curated by their team to make sure it’s high quality, meaning you’re not sifting through terrible photos to find the one you’re after.

Under the Unsplash license, you don’t even have to attribute the photographer (however, they recommend you do!) Making it the easiest option for free blog photography.

2. Death to Stock

If you’re looking for something a bit more exclusive and are willing to spend a bit of money, Death To Stock sends you a curated collection of free images.

You can use on your blog each week. Or, for $12/month you can get access to the 2,000+ professional photos on their Premium site.

 3. Pixabay

If you’re after quantity over quality, Pixabay has a collection of 1.4 million photos, videos, illustrations, and vector graphics you can use for free. 

Many of these are from other free stock photo sites and the quality isn’t as curated as the other two I mentioned, but it’s still a good option if you want to spend some time scrolling.

Other great free blog photo resources worth mentioning:

1. Wikimedia Commons:

21+ million photos and images from throughout history that is now in the public domain and free to use.

2. New Old Stock:

Vintage photos from public archives. Lots of cool options depending on your niche and design style.

3. Life of Pix:

Awesome free-to-use photos donated by an advertising agency in Montreal, Canada. Free blog design resources Along with stock photos. There are a ton of great design resources out there that can elevate the design of your posts. And you don’t need a deep understanding of Photoshop or even a creative bone in your body to use them.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Canva for social media images and quotes:

Canva is an incredible free design tool that’s been around since 2012. It’s got drag-and-drop templates for pretty much any design element you’d need for your blog, from social media 

posts for Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook to custom quotes. Basic usage is free and you get access to a ton of design resources, logos, and photos.

2. Visme for infographics and presentations:

Like Canva, Visme is a free online tool that lets you make custom designs for your blog. 

After quickly signing up, you’ll be able to choose from hundreds of templates for blog graphics, infographics, social posts, and more. 

3. Noun Project for design icons:

If you’ve got design chops and want to do a bit of work yourself, there’s no better place for icons than Noun Project. With over 1 million+ royalty-free icons, it’s a fantastic resource for blog icons.

Other great design resources to start a blog on the right foot :

 1. Subtle Patterns:

Basic blog backgrounds and patterns made by the freelance marketplace TopTal.

2. PicMonkey:

An online photo editor with a fun smartphone app for editing personal photos.

3. Pixlr: 

More advanced online photo editing (for people who are comfortable with tools like Photoshop).

To sum things up. When you’re looking to learn how to start a blog, you need to:

  1. Pick your blog’s name,
  2. Get your blog online (web hosting)
  3. Design your blog with a free WordPress theme
  4. write your first blog post
  5. Promote your blog and make money
  6. Develop a successful long-term content strategy
  7. Commit to a regular publishing schedule on your blog
  8. Use free photos and design studies reveal that articles with images gets 94% more views than those without.
And when it concerns posts getting shared on social networks, tweets with images get 150% more retweets than those without one, while Facebook posts with images get 2.3 X more engagement. Simply adding a few visual components can almost double the variety of views and significantly broaden the shares a post gets.

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